Monday, October 6, 2008


Step Into my heart and have a seat

listen to the rhythm of life that

emerges from within that is the

beat of my spirit, the swaying of my soul.

Beauty unmasked can only

be found from within, the

outer body is merely a shell

that encapsulates the very essence of me.

You judge and stereotype

what you can see, before

you even try to understand

what the naked eye cannot perceive.

You label and judge

condemn or reward

based totally upon

sight and not the contents of my heart.

My heart is that of a person who loves unconditionally.

Look at all the love you are denying yourself because

you are too blind too really see me.

My mind is that of a person who seeks to understand.

Why do you close your heart to what

could be a wonderful relationship?

My soul is the soul of a person

who has experience the joys

and pains of living but I refuse to

be bitter so that I may enjoy a fruitful and productive life.

The country of my origin, the parents of my birth,

the pigmentation of my skin is that how

you determine a persons worth?

Free yourself from the bondage of hate,

mistrust and fear.Though I might be different from you,

yet in so many ways we are the same how can you not see

we have the same humanity flowing through our veins?

So please Step into my heart and

have a seat, there is

someone I want you

to meet.

- Tammie-Maria Allen

1 comment:

nimsi said...

that was a real good one ...and perfect pic to represent the complete flow of the same ...